
Worms 2 completo portugues
Worms 2 completo portugues

Visually, they resemble caterpillars and centipedes. These Worms are a series of Insect-Type monsters, which focus on milling the opponent's Deck. " Dimensionhole" ( "Worm Hole" in Japanese) and " Electric Virus" are also "Worm" cards because they have 「ワーム」 in their Japanese names. They are used by Trudge during his time as a Shadow Drone in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime. The Insect-Type "Worm" monsters have effects that mill the opponent's Deck. They are used by Callisto in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator. The LIGHT Reptile- Type "Worm" monsters were introduced as part of the early Duel Terminal sets. Additionally, several other unrelated cards, such as " Worm Drake" and " Dimensionhole" are in this archetype. Unlike other archetypes, "Worm" is divided between two entirely distinct play styles, only one of which has archetype support. " Worm" (ワーム Wāmu) is a large archetype of monsters, the first support for which was introduced in Hidden Arsenal. " Verme" é o nome oficial em Português deste arquétipo.

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  • worms 2 completo portugues

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  • Worms 2 completo portugues