I run it normal, and also opened it as Administrator. I tried navigating to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\BattlEye and manually running Install_BattlEye.bat. I have the game from steam, i played it a few months on single player, then I also tried PVP and then I noticed that I dont have Battleye, therefore I cannot play some servers. A CMD pops up for a few seconds, then disappears, but nothing happens after that.

I tried manually, I tried through the game installation, i doesnt work.

Until the user presses any key, the window remains open instead of closing automatically.I cannot install Battleye. If you're creating a batch file and want the MS-DOS window to remain open, add PAUSE to the end of your batch file.

If you are running an MS-DOS command or program in Windows, try opening an MS-DOS prompt and executing the command or program from within MS-DOS. Unfortunately, there is no setting in Windows for disabling the auto-closure of the MS-DOS windows.